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Body condition
This is a tool for veterinary staff & hedgehog rehabilitators only.
It is not to be used by the public on wild hedgehogs.
Measure the hedgehog in the fully curled up position.
If it can't curl through injury or poor condition then it is body condition 1.
For fully curled hedgehogs:
Measure the distance all the way round the middle.
Measure the distance all the way round the head/tail.
Body Condition Calculator​​
Score <0.7 = 1 Extremely under weight
Score between 0.7-0.78 = 2 Under weight
Score between 0.79 - 0.81 = 3 Normal
Score between 0.82 - 0.85 = 4 Over weight
Score over 0.85 = 5 Obese (NB Females could be pregnant)

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